
Motion & VFX designer
I possess the ability to infuse vitality into any still image, transforming it into a mesmerizing animation. Employing various motion design techniques, I can breathe life into the image, imbuing it with dynamism, vibrant colors, and an overall sense of vitality. Through the challenges I encounter and my past projects, I continually refine my expertise in this field, steadily expanding my knowledge and skill set.

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Never could I have imagined that motion design would become my primary occupation, yet from the moment I first ventured into it, I instinctively knew it was my calling. Motion design, for me, transcends mere pastime or recreation—it has become a profound source of both personal fulfillment and financial stability. The sheer exhilaration and profound joy I experience by delighting and entertaining others through my work is unparalleled.

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Instagram @madeforscale