
I possess a diverse range of strengths encompassing graphic design, including publications and typography, as well as animation skills such as motion graphic design, frame by frame animation, and compositing.

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Additionally, I have acquired proficiency in various fields including web design, programming, photography, videography, video editing, and fine art. As a result, I am well-versed in utilizing over 15 different software programs.

However, it is within the realm of visual arts and art direction where I find my true passion and where I aspire to explore further in my projects. I am fascinated by the intriguing amalgamation of art and conceptual elements with marketing, which has the potential to birth something entirely novel and transformative.

Lastly, I would like to highlight one of my most cherished projects, which I had the opportunity to undertake in collaboration with Scale Agency. It was an animated video crafted for the Meet Perspectives team, allowing me to manifest my minimalist and artistic inclinations to the fullest extent. It was a gratifying experience, indeed.

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